Cool Your Laptop With a Laptop Stand

By | Feb 15, 2025

In a previous post we have written about the importance of keeping the temperature of your laptop as cool as possible in order to prolong the life of your Refurbished Laptop.  One of the most important things to do in this regard is to make sure the laptop is resting on a hard surface and that airflow isn't blocked or prevented from flowing under the laptop.  This blockage most frequently happens when the laptop is operated on a bed or soft surface.  In order to eliminate this possibility there are and number of laptop stands available which keep the laptop elevated and cool.  We are always looking for ways to be prudent in our spending money on technology especially when it doesn't add any functionality to what we are doing with the laptop.  In this regard we are a big fan of DIY, or Do It Yourself tips, which leads us to an interesting DIY video for building a laptop stand.  In all of our searching for a good solid laptop stand, this is one of the best laptop stand projects we have found.  This stand will fill you needs for a stand for your laptop for a long time to come.You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Originally posted 2009-05-13 16:48:20.

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