How to Clean Laptop Screen

By | Mar 21, 2025

You have purchased a Refurbished Laptop computer and it was in excellent condition, so now you want to preserve it in the like new condition, as it was when you bought it. One of most common questions is how to clean the laptop screen. First, whenever you perform cleaning of your laptop or anything electronic for that matter, it is a good idea to turn the power off. The next mandatory tip is to never spray a cleaning solution directly on the LCD display. The way I clean my laptop display is to use a solution of warm water, or a half and half mixture of distilled water and isopropyl alcohol applied to a soft lint free cloth, and then wipe the screen in straight lines across the screen. Don't use a scrubbing motion and don't rub the screen with a lot of pressure. I use huck or surgical towels for the cloth since they are 100% cotton, lint free, and not abrasive. You can buy used huck towels on eBay and they make excellent towels for cleaning windows, marble or anything around the house. Next time you see a professional window cleaner ask him about huck towels, there is a good chance he is using these towels or is familial with them.

I have found a glass cleaner that works well for LCD screens and is advertised as safe for this use. It is the Sprayway brand sold at Sams Club, and some ACE Hardware stores. This cleaner does not contain ammonia, drys without streaking, and when applied directly to the cleaning cloth works very well for the display and also for the laptop case. I have been using it for several years on my Acer laptop and the laptop still looks like new.
With a little effort and caution you can keep your laptop looking like the day you bought it by following the tips presented here.

Originally posted 2009-04-26 16:52:15.

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