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There are 500 years (1452-1519 Leonardo Da Vinci) recorded ideas on vortex on the basis of his experiments with water. In fact, the theme of water hydrology and hydraulics consists of a large part of the study of the life of Leonardo. As a matter of historical note, more than the messages Leonardo da Vinci were dedicated to water issues than any other subject. The existence of water and eddies intrigued Da Vinci which led to speculate on the existence and behavior of vortices in the air and the cosmos. The power and importance of eddies in water has also led to study closely the behavior of water under different conditions.
The fascination with Da Vinci and the fluid dynamic vortex through his art with the movement of water flow and the vortices which is expressed in his paintings and sculptures.
The existence and behavior of bubbles in water was also interest for Da Vinci, from which it took note of the close observation bubbles in the water in a spiral motion. In his notes written in the Codex Leicester Folio 23V (now owned by Bill Gates), noted that "The movement of water is always moving in a circle on the surface bottom.Â"
Da Vinci spent many years in his laboratory asset and field observation of movements of water and air. To visualize the fluid dynamics of water at work, she has experienced tanks with glass to see the movement of water flow in different scenarios. During his fieldwork, took detailed notes and drawings to record their experiences and observations.
To aid his research, he invented a water gate that the water pressure for create an airtight seal. Contingencies by Da Vinci in the time of their experience and detailed technical drawings of this water is going to survive over time and possibly be used in the design of the locks of the Panama Canal.
Sometimes the spirit of Da Vinci reflect on the many kingdoms water bodies, as their comments often caused by writing ideas. As a habit, he write or draw these thoughts, along the margins of your documents while working on other issues. A series of these notes in the upper right corner of one of his papers provide us with your outline of a draft treaty on water. It was divided into fifteen books, each book covers a different aspect of water:
1. Water itself
2. Del Mar
3. Veins
4. De los Rios
5. From the nature of the fund
6. Subject
7. Many Types of gravel
8. Surface water
9. Make a difference in her
10. Rio Repairs
11. Pipeline
12. Of Channels
13. Machines turned by water
14. Water boarding
15. Things to wear by the water
Given Leonardo's many activities involved, never found time to complete this series of books on water. His writings, especially Codex Leicester, contain numerous references and short notes to include in these books. An example of this can be found in his note on rainfall: "Record how clouds are formed and how they dissolve, and this leads to water vapor in rising air, earth, and cause mist and the air thicker, and why it seems more blue or less blue, the same time as another. Type the same way in the areas of air and because of snow and hail, and how water shrinks and hardens into ice and new forms forms Snow air. "
A other field observations of Da Vinci explored the physical expression of the principle of large-scale vortex. Your written comments on a whirlwind that has been long shoreline were recorded on a page entitled "The movement by wind and water-related turmoil. As indicated in the inimitable words Da Vinci:
Often, when the wind meets another at an obtuse angle, the two winds circle around the car and twine themselves as a huge column, and becoming condensed, air, gain weight. Once I saw these winds, swept the whole produce a hole in the sand of the sea as deep as the height of a man, removing the stones of considerable size and transporting sand and algae if the air space of a mile and launching, turning around and transforming it into a thick column, which forms dense dark clouds that point.
Many people will probably never see a waterspout land on the coast all his life, but thanks to Da Vinci's notes and detailed ago long, we can appreciate the sense of such experience.
William E. Marks http://www.watervoices.com
Water researcher/speaker since 1970; Editor/Publisher of Water Voices from Around The World (October 2007) - a new tabletop book created in conjunction with the United Nations' decade of water project – contains 400 color photos and over 100 articles; recipient of many awards; founder/owner (14 years) of a State-Certified water testing lab; founder of environmental research institute (17 years); in college had major polluting industry indicted by grand jury in precedent-setting case under the Refuse Act; lived outside for 2 years while traversing 7,000 miles across America from coast-to-coast on horseback for his RIDE FOR NATURE project; founding publisher Martha's Vineyard Magazine and Nantucket Magazine; author: The Holy Order of Water, Healing Earth's Waters and Ourselves; author: "The History of Wind Power on Martha's Vineyard"; Chair of Greenlands Aquifer Committee to save 400 acres from development on Martha's Vineyard; travels the globe, speaking and playing Native American Flute
Originally posted 2009-11-30 00:59:47.
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