Laptops Under 100

By | Mar 7, 2025

Laptops Under 100

Laptops Under $100 are not for everyone.  In fact many people will
joke about buying a laptop under 100 because in their opinion they
don';t believe that you can buy a laptop under $100 and that you
can't be serious.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  There
are many good buys out there in the marketplace for very well
functioning laptops that sell for under $100. There are many uses
for Used Laptops Under $100:

New Laptops Under $100

New laptops under $100 will usually be laptops that are called mini
laptops or more under powered Netbooks that are selling for under
$100.  These laptops are best used for surfing the web and email
access.  Theses inexpensive laptops have small displays and usually
run some form of Linux.

Mini Laptops Under $100

Mini Laptops Under 100 are called Netbooks in most cases and are best
for mobile access of email and surfing the web.

Used Laptops Under $100

A laptop that is called a used laptop usually is not the same as a
Refurbished Laptop and will be sold on eBay by individual sellers.
There are some great buys to be had when you can find one of the used
laptops that have been well taken care of by their owner and in some
cases are as good as new.  You will be able to tell the condition by
the photos that accompany the auction listing.  If you have questions it is a good idea to contact the seller and if needed ask him/her to
take some additional pictures so you can see and judge the condition of the

Refurbished Laptops Under $100

If the laptop is described as a refurbished laptop that means it has
under gone a testing and reconditioning process by the seller in order
to call it refurbished.  A refurbished unit should come with all of
the items that were sold with it originally.  You should be prepared
to buy a new battery because frequently one of the conditions of an
older laptop is that the battery will no longer hold a charge.

Apple Laptops Under 100 Dollars

There are not as many Apple laptops available as used laptops or refurbished Apple laptops, however there are good quantities of used Apple laptops on eBay.

Regardless of the laptop under 100 that you select, it generally will
be a laptop that is 2 to 3 years old and will be running Windows XP.

A great laptop under 100 to look for is the DELL Latitude D610 which
if you are good shopper, you can find for between $100 and $200.  I
have personal experience with this model and it is a highly regarded DELL used laptop product with Wireless laptop capability and is build for the
professional business world, and will take quite a bit of abuse. You can find additional tips for buying laptops under 100 in a recent post on the topic.

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Originally posted 2010-02-21 04:06:34.

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