Laptops Under 400 Dollars

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Laptops Under 400 Dollars

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What is a good brand of laptop that is reliable and cheap?

What brand of laptops are reliable, low cost and why? also, what is a good laptop that is less than $ 400?

Dell Reports ARM may threaten Intel in the market for portable Internet

Oct. 14, according to foreign press, the British firm ARM and Intel chip and equipment manufacturers face a growing threat. ARM may be hanging over their traditional Intel rival AMD.

Both analysts said in a statement released recently, the production of chips based on ARM designs the field will determine the future of competence mobile computing. These companies, like Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Samsung Electronics and the future of Apple.

It is located New Tripoli, Pennsylvania (New Tripoli) from research firm Information Network (Information Network), said last month ARM processor instead of a Intel Atom, share the Internet connection in 2012, the market share of 55%. Internet version is priced at $ 400 or less a small ultra-light notebooks.

EE Times this week quoted an analyst at ABN AMRO Bank NV Didier Scemama to say that the cycle of technology that comes, you get Intel - a combination of Microsoft of ARM-based Linux computing deviation. This trend is likely to start in the second half of 2010, as the ARM processor, the Intel chips will yield, energy consumption in May and cost more than Intel.

Analysts have also suggested Scemama Microsoft may provide the ARM chip running on an operating system Windows Advanced. ARM in 2014 will receive one share of the laptop 30%. ARM Scemama also hypothesized that the forward purchase their licenses purchased by the chip manufacturers.

All these come Competition ARM might be a good thing for consumers. However, sales of Intel's future revenue growth may be a good thing.

Of course, these are all projections. If you use Microsoft Windows or Apple operating system using Intel processors, the greater is the price of laptops, which still represents the majority of market share. However, other analysts argue that good, consumers are not all ARM processor-based notebooks running Windows, because the consumer notebook PCs based on Intel processors, the preferred long-term is difficult to replace.

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Originally posted 2010-03-20 20:02:58.

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