Top Ten Laptops Under 500

By | Feb 27, 2025

Top Ten Laptops Under 500

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Advice on buying a new laptop?

I am looking for some advice on buying a new laptop. I have had my phillips freevents laptop for almost three years, but the charging port is no longer reliable and there are other various problems.

I am a couple of months off of graduating and therefore it is important that I have a reliable laptop to do my dissertation and last few pieces of work on.

Ideally, I would like a laptop with a good memory capacity, a screen size under 15.4" and wireless internet capabilities.

I am hoping to spend less that £500. Can anyone help with ideas of what models would be ideal?

Many thanks

I would suggest trying Dell. Every machine is custom-built, which means that you can avoid spending money on stuff you don't need and instead spend it on things you DO want.

For example, it seems like you don't exactly need top-of-the-range graphics - so you wouldn't want to be buying the highest spec graphics chipset.

If I were you I would play around with the configurator on the Dell website and then call them when you have an idea of what you want. I have always found the telesales guys there pretty good.

The one downside is that given your graduation timeline you probably want to buy this pretty much immediately, and Dell might take ten days or so to send it to you.

Whatever you buy, make sure that the warranty conditions don't require you to send the thing away for days on end if there is a problem. You don't want to discover after a week that there is an issue that needs to be resolved, and have to be without the machine for a fortnight. That said, these things are pretty darned reliable now!

From 100 watts all the way thousands of people, there are many different options for investors to choose, then how do you know that investor to choose and how best their needs without having to pay for something you do not need? Well, to answer the main thing you have to do is to work with how much energy that you will use, and there is only a little shopping around.

So let's begin. First you to determine what they really want to run from the UPS. In general, the more you want run an inverter, while the more power you need, however, each device and device will use a different amount of power and it is important we have an idea of how to power the appliances you want to use tables.

Most electrical equipment will be some sort of power in her or his power, thus making it fairly easy to get an idea of the amount of energy used. For example, a 100W light globe, by example, uses 100 watts. Most appliances will lower your score or hidden sort of way a little so you might need to look around a bit, but it is normal it is fairly easy.

As a quick review for you, our experience power device ratings are not very accurate, especially when it comes more complex equipment such as laptops, etc. and are often measured in ideal conditions, usually used to reflect circumstances of the real world, then add 10% or 20 extra on top of what is worth anything is probably a better indication, and also give you a head room too which is always a good idea.

For example, say you want to run a lamp rated 60 W, a fan rated 100W, a 150W rated laptop and a small television rating of 100W. Adding them, we give 410 watts. Given the above and adding an extra 20% will give us a little less than 500 watts, so that investors around this value will be perfect. In this configuration I recommend getting a variable 600W of power, not only does it give a little more juice if it decides to implement anything, but it is preferable to obtain an inverter rated slightly higher than what you are looking for so you have a bit of a buffer in case your situation changes.

Of course, if you think you'll add more equipment as time passes, then it is worthwhile to buy an investor with a decent amount of free space could otherwise finish with another investor to buy just to meet their energy needs. To help you understand how the power we have assembled a rel = "nofollow" href = ""> UPS selection guide with a list of common appliances and their energy needs so you can choose the investor suits your needs.

If you are looking for a high quality power inverter at a great price then we have a great range of power inverters to suit any application. Whether you are looking for an inverter to run a small appliance from your car or a large inverter to power a host of electrical appliances from your car, 4WD, caravan or RV we can help with our great range of high quality great value power inverters.

Originally posted 2009-11-30 01:20:24.

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