Used Computer Laptops for Under $100

By | Feb 9, 2025

In this economy it's prudent to find a good buy on a used laptrop whenever you can. Given the volume of laptop and notebook computers manufactured every year, and the pace of technology change there are tens of thousands of used laptop computers on the market, selling at fixed prices and on "'bid" auction's.  A recent spot check of Laptops Under $100 for sale on eBay revealed 100's of quality laptops for sale in auctions where the final sale winning bid was under $100.  As an examle a DELL D600 P4M with 1GB memory, a 40GB Hard drive, and WiFi equiped sold for under $100.  That's a gem of used syetem from a top manufacturer, which will provide someone with a reliable cheap used computer laptop. If you haven't checked out what's available, you might see how you can save some money on a second portable system by doing some on line shopping.

Originally posted 2008-11-11 21:35:08.

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